IGTV Downloader (Without Watermark)

Step-by-Step Guide to Downloading IGTV Videos

How To Download IGTV From Instagram

Copy the Link

Copy the Link

To begin, open the Instagram app or navigate to the website, and find the link of the particular video, reel, carousel, or IGTV content you wish to copy.

Paste the link

Return to igstorysaver, insert the copied link into the provided space, and press the Download button.

Paste the link
Download Now

Download Now

Quickly, you will see a list of results with different quality options. Please select the one that meets your needs and proceed to download it.

Download Instagram IGTV  (Without Watermark)

Download Instagram IGTV (Without Watermark)

iGstorysaver.co Downloader is a simple online tool that helps you download Instagram videos, photos, Reels, and IGTV. With iGram, you can save various Instagram content and watch them later, even without the internet. So, if you find something cool on Instagram you want to keep, just use igstory saver Downloader to save it for later! 

Additionally, igstory saver Downloader is free to use and requires no registration or sign-up. Paste the Instagram link of the content you want to download into the tool, and it will generate a download link for you. You can then save the content to your device and access it whenever you want.
Whether you want to save a funny video, inspiring quote, or beautiful photo from Instagram, iGram Downloader makes it easy and convenient. Give it a try today and start building your collection of saved Instagram content! 

Instagram IGTV Downloader Features

No registration needed

No registration needed

Save IGTV videos online without the need for app downloads or sign-ups.

Only high-quality IGTV

Only high-quality IGTV

Say goodbye to low-quality content; save only high-resolution IGTV videos.

Use for free

Use for free

Download IGTV videos at no cost – completely free.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Read Faqs Related the IGTV Downloader

Can I download IGTV videos?

Yes, you can download IGTV videos, but it's essential to proceed with caution and respect content ownership and copyright laws. Instagram itself doesn't offer a direct download feature for IGTV videos to preserve the rights of content creators and maintain platform integrity. However, several third-party websites and applications claim to facilitate the downloading of IGTV videos. These tools typically require you to paste the video's URL into their interface to process the download.

How long do IGTV videos last?

IGTV videos, unlike Instagram Stories that disappear after 24 hours, remain on your profile indefinitely until you decide to remove them. This permanence allows creators to build a lasting library of content that their audience can enjoy and revisit at any time. IGTV provides a platform for longer-form content compared to traditional Instagram posts or Stories, with videos that can be up to 60 minutes long for some users, especially those uploading from a computer. For most mobile users, the limit is up to 15 minutes. This feature enables a more in-depth exploration of topics, storytelling, and engagement with followers, without the constraint of short disappearing videos.

How do I use IGTV on my desktop?

Using IGTV from your desktop is straightforward and enhances your experience with a larger screen, especially for content creation and viewing. To get started, navigate to Instagram’s website and log in with your account credentials. Once logged in, you can access IGTV in two ways: through your own profile or by visiting another user's profile.

What aspect ratio is IGTV?

IGTV supports videos in a vertical (portrait) orientation with an aspect ratio of 9:16, which is optimized for viewing on mobile devices without needing to rotate them. However, it also accommodates horizontal (landscape) videos with an aspect ratio of 16:9. This flexibility allows creators to upload content in a format that best suits their video's style and audience's viewing preferences. For vertical videos, the ideal resolution is 1080x1920 pixels, whereas, for horizontal videos, it's 1920x1080 pixels, ensuring high-quality playback across different devices. This variety in supported formats makes IGTV a versatile platform for a wide range of video content.

Is IGTV available to everyone?

Yes, IGTV is available to everyone who has an Instagram account. This feature allows users to upload longer videos compared to standard Instagram posts, providing a platform for more in-depth content. Whether you're a content creator looking to share detailed tutorials, stories, or entertain your audience with longer videos, or a viewer eager to explore the wide range of content available, IGTV offers something for everyone. Users can access IGTV through the Instagram app or the dedicated IGTV app, making it easy to engage with longer-form video content directly from their mobile devices or desktop.